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Enter your name, email. review the waiver and accept the terms. Once you submit the form, you’ll be sent additional information to get started!
Want to talk to one of our trainers before joining the group sessions?
Virtual 1-on-1 Personal Training
Includes 1-on-1 sessions administered via Zoom with a designated coach. Programs/workouts will fully encompass all of your abilities and equipment and effectively get you to your goals.
This service also includes full access to our Virtual Group Training service
- 2x/week – $499/month ~$55/session
- 3x/week – $599/month ~$45/session
This service is best for people working out at home with or without equipment
Virtual Group Training
Meet with a group and one of our elite coaches for an instructor led group workout centered around bodyweight training with the capability of adding equipment (bands, dumbbells etc.). We run these at 3 times per day, 7am, 12pm, and 5:30pm Monday through Friday, and at 9am every Saturday.
- Unlimited access – $219/month
- Includes the option for a coaching call 1x/week
This service is best for people working out at home without equipment
Online Training
Get a custom designed program for you to follow entirely based on your individual goals, what you have access to, and your ability level. This is delivered via a sophisticated training software complete with exercise tutorials, messaging portal, and a calendar for scheduling workouts.
- $149/month
- Includes a coaching call 1x/week
This service is best for a self-motivated individual who works out either at home or at a public/box gym.
One of the biggest obstacles with working out at home or virtually is accountability. Unlike with a typical subscription, our services provide scheduled sessions and face to face (virtual) contact with a COACH who will help hold you accountable. In addition to that, you can schedule weekly coaching calls that help keep you focused and on track, or just allow you a platform to navigate things going on in your world.
Just like our in-person services at ReDefine:RVA, we will be offering a FREE consultation and movement assessment to anyone who’s interested in these services. We use this consultation to answer any questions you may have, learn about your medical and exercise history, and ultimately guide you in the right direction to help you reach your goals.
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